7th Annual Golf & Gala

November 2-3, 2012
Hilton Virginia Beach, Oceanfront and Redwing Lake Golf Course

[button class=”Purchase” size=”large” link=”https://zims.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/ziMSFoundationsSeventhAnnualGalaandGolf201/Registration/tabid/404101/Default.aspx” linkTarget=”_blank” bgColor=”#153458″ textColor=”#ffffff” hoverBgColor=”#1b487b” hoverTextColor=”#d4d4d4″]PURCHASE EVENT TICKETS[/button]
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The 7th Annual Charity Gala will be held at the Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront on Friday, November 2nd and the Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 3rd at Red Wing Lake Golf Course. These events are an important part of how the ziMS Foundation raises money and awareness for MS.

In the past six years, the Foundation has given over $747,000 back to organizations, including:

[list style=”list1″ color=”blue”]Hampton Roads Chapter MS Society[/list]
[list style=”list1″ color=”blue”]dreamMakerS[/list]
[list style=”list1″ color=”blue”]University of Virginia, Department of Neurology[/list]
[list style=”list1″ color=”blue”]National Capital Chapter MS Society[/list]
[list style=”list1″ color=”blue”]Blue Ridge Chapter MS Society[/list]

Our goal in our seventh year is to hit the million dollar mark given to these organizations so that they can continue to support individuals with MS. Please help us to “Stretch to a Million” by the end of the year by making a donation to the Gala or Golf Tournament.

[button class=”button-ziMS” size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://zimsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Gala-Sponsorship-Opportunities1.pdf” linkTarget=”_blank” bgColor=”#cb2027″ textColor=”#ffffff” hoverBgColor=”#10263c” hoverTextColor=”#ffffff”]Download Gala Sponsorship Form[/button]
[button class=”button-ziMS” size=”medium” align=”left” link=”https://zimsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Golf-Sponsorship-Opportunities1.pdf” linkTarget=”_blank” bgColor=”#cb2027″ textColor=”#ffffff” hoverBgColor=”#10263c” hoverTextColor=”#ffffff”]Download Golf Sponsorship Form[/button]